Some voluntary dives expecting to unleash pearls from the depths of blue water... some involuntary drags into streams of destiny... Life has it all. Change is inevitable. But memories, we cherish... as those outlive their cause.
Never again would birds' song be the same.
And to do that to birds was why she came.
Never again would birds' song be the same.
And to do that to birds was why she came.
Cultivated pearls are just not the same. To see, to see, Nature by chance take an anomaly "a grain of sand" and turn it into a beautiful pearl. Life is, life is. Q
QUASAR9, at Fri Jun 23, 04:22:00 PM 2006
oh...toh footage yaha par chapa hain tune :P
nice words ;;) ... aur karo mujhe vocabulary ke baarein mein conscious :P
Amrita, at Sat Jun 24, 12:28:00 PM 2006
I normally dont comment on blogs - but couldnt resist this one.
Awesome. Love the command you have over the language.
Deepu Vasudevan, at Tue Sep 19, 05:16:00 AM 2006
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