A beginning!

Saturday, March 25, 2006


He looked up. Clouds drew welts across the sky. It hid and exposed the Moon as it glided in the infinite void. The serrated waves shimmered like blood thirsty blade of a warrior’s sword giving ominous warning. With bloated vision he gazed at the lights flickering at distance. The yellow glittering spheres reminded him of the festival celebration in his younger days. The happy memories made his stiffened jaw loosen a bit… only for split of second. He had no time to dwell over it. He was drowning.

He stroked furiously, splashing water, gaining little. He knew he was wasting his energy - little of which had remained. But pain and tiredness were fast outscoring his intellect. He had to swim across to the shore; against the low tide…He was desperate. He wanted to live.

He died.


He looked up. Clouds drew welts across the sky. It hid and exposed the Moon as it glided in the infinite void. The serrated waves shimmered like blood thirsty blade of a warrior’s sword giving ominous warning. With bloated vision he gazed at the lights flickering at distance. The yellow glittering spheres reminded him of the festival celebration in his younger days. The happy memories made his stiffened jaw loosen a bit… only for split of second. He had no time to dwell over it. He was drowning.

He stroked furiously, splashing water, gaining little. He knew he was wasting his energy - little of which had remained. But pain and tiredness were fast outscoring his intellect. He had to swim across to the shore; against the low tide…He was desperate. He wanted to live.

It came as surprise. A thud created by waves hitting metal. With considerable effort, he turned around. His first perception was a wrinkled face hanging in mid air illuminated by dimly lit lantern. Then he saw many more faces glaring at him with concern. He clung at the rope hurled at him from the fishermen’s boat.

He lived to tell the tale of the great rescue by the kind fishermen.


He looked up. Clouds drew welts across the sky. It hid and exposed the Moon as it glided in the infinite void. The serrated waves shimmered like blood thirsty blade of a warrior’s sword giving ominous warning. With bloated vision he gazed at the lights flickering at distance. The yellow glittering spheres reminded him of the festival celebration in his younger days. The happy memories made his stiffened jaw loosen a bit… only for split of second. He had no time to dwell over it. He was drowning.

He stroked furiously, splashing water, gaining little. He knew he was wasting his energy - little of which had remained. But pain and tiredness were fast outscoring his intellect. He had to swim across to the shore; against the low tide…He was desperate. He wanted to live.

It came as surprise. A thud created by waves hitting metal. With considerable effort, he turned around. His first perception was a wrinkled face hanging in mid air illuminated by dimly lit lantern. Then he saw many more faces glaring at him with concern. He refused to hold the rope thrown for him. He started thanking them but soon gave up as he realized that he is only consuming salty water. Attempting a nod of recognition, he swam with all his might; he swam away from the boat, towards the shore. No pain, no tiredness, no other feeling, just determination.

He lived. For his own (absurd!) principles. The realization was not proactive.


  • Back with a bang!

    More comments to follow

    By Blogger anonymouse, at Sat Mar 25, 04:18:00 PM 2006  

  • That was really very interesting and enjoyed reading it a lot. I can see a author in the making :P Why not try this as an alternative profession?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Mar 27, 11:08:00 AM 2006  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Amrita, at Mon Mar 27, 02:03:00 PM 2006  

  • He looked up. Clouds drew welts across the sky. It hid and exposed the Moon as it glided in the infinite void. The serrated waves shimmered like blood thirsty blade of a warrior’s sword giving ominous warning. With bloated vision he gazed at the lights flickering at distance. The yellow glittering spheres reminded him of the festival celebration in his younger days. The happy memories made his stiffened jaw loosen a bit… only for split of second. He had no time to dwell over it. He was drowning.

    He stroked furiously, splashing water, gaining little. He knew he was wasting his energy - little of which had remained. But pain and tiredness were fast outscoring his intellect. He had to swim across to the shore; against the low tide…He was desperate. He wanted to live.

    It came as surprise. A thud created by waves hitting metal. With considerable effort, he turned around. His first perception was a wrinkled face hanging in mid air illuminated by dimly lit lantern. Then he saw many more faces glaring at him with concern. He clung at the rope hurled at him from the fishermen’s boat.

    "Cut. Shot Ok!!!" , said the director.
    Every one on the sets clapped for him.
    It was his debut movie. He was all set to prove his mettle.

    PS: Gr8 post! Loved the style. Made an enjoyable read :)

    By Blogger Amrita, at Mon Mar 27, 02:04:00 PM 2006  

  • No Can't read fully. Need dictionary.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Aug 11, 04:02:00 PM 2006  

  • Hallo! ;)
    wow... what demented newz!
    what do U consider about it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Feb 07, 10:11:00 AM 2007  

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